1. Rules and Regulations
If a registrant does not follow the rules and regulations set by PharmFest, then the registration contract will be considered breached and the contract may be voided.
In the event of a default by the registrant, the registrant shall forfeit as liquidated damages the amount paid by the registrant for event access or rental, regardless of whether or not PharmFest enters into a further lease of the space involved.
Any matters not specifically covered herein are subject to decision by PharmFest. PharmFest reserves the right to make such changes, amendments, and additions to these rules as considered advisable for the proper conduct of the exhibit with the provision that all registrants will be advised of such changes in writing. Venue rules apply to all guests.
2. Termination of Meeting
Should the premises in which the PharmFest Annual Event is to be held, become, in the sole judgment of the PharmFest administrators, unfit for occupancy, or should any Pharmfest event be materially interfered with by reason of action of the elements, strike picketing, boycott, embargo, injunction, war, riot, emergency declared by a government agency, or any other act beyond the control of PharmFest, the contract for attendance or Exhibit space may be terminated.
PharmFest will not incur liability for damages sustained by registrants as a result of such termination. In the event of such termination, the registrant expressly waive such liability and release PharmFest of and from all claims for damages and agree that PharmFest shall have no obligation except to refund to registrant prorated shares of the aggregate amounts received by the PharmFest as rental for exhibit spaces or attendance for events after deducting all costs and expenses in connection with such exhibits and/or events, including reasonable reserves for claims, such deduction being hereby specifically agreed to by the registrant.
3. Cancellation Policy/ Refunds
Sponsorships and add-ons are non-refundable.
Cancellations for General Admission or Booth Exhibits must be submitted in writing with-in one-hundred and eighty (180) days prior to the PharmFest event date on your ticket for a full refund.
Cancellations for General Admission Tickets or Booth Exhibits within ninety (90) days prior to the PharmFest event date on your ticket must be submitted in writing for a 50% refund.
Cancellations for General Admission or Booth Exhibits received within thirty (30) days prior to the PharmFest event date on your ticket will not be refunded.
No-show registrants will not be refunded.
4. Booth Space
Where possible, booth space assignments will be made by PharmFest in keeping with the preferences as to location and level requested by the registrant— However, PharmFest reserves the right to make the final determination of all booth space assignments, which may include changes in layout design, in the best interest of the event. PharmFest and its affiliates are not responsible for damages or loss of property. Venue rules apply.
5. Code and Conduct
No registrant shall be permitted to interfere with the networking opportunity of, education of, or impede access to another registrant/attendee.
Apart from the designated space for which an exhibiting company has under contract with PharmFest, no part of the Event space and its grounds may be used by any organization other than PharmFest for display purposes of any kind or nature.
No equipment can be removed from the designated venue space during the event without written permission from PharmFest administration.
Registrants should be attired to maintain the professional and businesslike climate of the PharmFest event. PharmFest registrants and attendees are responsible for abiding by all rules and laws governed by event venue(s) and by Texas State laws.
Attendees should be familiar with Texas Penal Code, Chapter 46.
6. Exhibits and Presentations
If motion pictures, other than A/V or loud speakers are used, the exhibitor agrees to comply with the union requirements for the operation of the equipment. Sound presentation, slides or movies will be permitted if not objectionable to neighboring rooms or exhibits.
PharmFest reserves the right to deny exhibits or presentations that do not meet the entertaining, educational or interactive standards of the event.
Exhibitors are advised to carry floater insurance to cover exhibit material against damage and loss and public liability insurance against injury to the personal and property of others.
All property of the registrant is understood to remain under his custody and control, in transit to and from the confines of the venue, subject to the Rules and Regulations of the event.
Exhibitor’s liability shall include all losses, costs, damages or expenses arising from or out of or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the Exhibitor, its agents, employees, and business invitees which arise from or out of Exhibitor’s occupancy and/or use of the exhibition premises, the venue or any part thereof. Nothing can be posted or tacked, nailed, screwed, or otherwise attached to the columns, walls, floors, ceiling, furniture, or other properties of the venue. The Exhibitor understands that the venue does not maintain insurance covering the Exhibitor’s property and that it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain such insurance.
Exhibitors are responsible for all licensing and fees incurred for the use of copyrighted music or video or file in all audio visual presentations.
All exhibit displays or materials left in booths without instructions will be packed and stored at the discretion of PharmFest, and all charges will be applied to the exhibitor. Exhibit move-in and move-out times and dates will be be published at www.pharmfest.com.
Additional time for move-in or move-out must be approved by PharmFest and may require additional storage fees. Please email additional time requests to Pharmfestinfo@gmail.com thirty (30) days prior to the event. Requests are not guaranteed.
OUTSIDE FOOD: We do not permit any outside food, beverages or dessert items (except a regular non-ice cream store bought sheet cakes for birthdays and anniversaries) brought in from the outside.
ITEMS LEFT BEHIND: If decorations or other items are left behind, D&B will not be responsible for these items. If something is found, we will try to hold it for up to 48 hours. After that the items will be discarded.
VALID I.D.'s REQUIRED: Dave & Buster's is licensed as a restaurant and bar, therefore we card all guests at the door and/or bar. Each guest will need to make sure they bring their valid ID.
UNDERAGE POLICY: For admission, underage guests must be accompanied by an adult or guardian. Minor Policy age varies by location. A Guardian is a person of 25 years of age or older who agrees to be responsible for the conduct, supervision and safety of the underage guest. One party or guardian can accompany up to a maximum of six underage guests. Any person under the age of 21 caught drinking alcoholic beverages will be immediately removed from the premises. Underage guests must remain with their parents or guardian at all times.
7. Hold Harmless Clause
Registrant shall be fully responsible to pay for any and all damages to property owned by the venue, its owners or managers which results from any act or omission of Exhibitor.
Registrant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the venue and each of its respective affiliates and their officers, directors, partners, agents, members, managers and employees (collectively, the “Venue indemnified parties”) from and against any and all demands, claims damages to persons or property, losses and liabilities, including reasonable attorneys’ fees (collectively “Claims”) arising out of or caused by the registrant or its members’, agent’s, employees' , independent contractors’ negligence in connection with the use of the venue’s property, except to the extent and percentage attributable to the negligence of the venue indemnified parties
8. Safety
It is, solely, the registrants’ responsibility to be aware of all exits and evacuation plans published and/or posted by the venue(s). Registrants are encouraged to report any unsafe situation, product, area, thing or being to PharmFest staff. To insure the safety of all participants, fire regulations must be observed – Fire regulations require that all display materials be flameproof. Electrical signs and equipment must be wired to meet the specification of the local Fire Underwriters Inspection Bureau. Smoking is not allowed in any PharmFest event venue. Each registrant is charged with knowledge of all laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention, and public safety while participating in any Pharmfest event. Compliance with such laws is mandatory for all registrants and the sole responsibility is that of the registrant. All property of the registrant is understood to remain under his/her own custody and control, in transit to and from the confines of the venue(s), subject to the Rules and Regulations of the event. It is the registrants responsibility to carry or pack any life-saving medications or devices (ie; rescue inhaler, epipen, etc.) at all times during the event. Medical emergencies during any PharmFest event will be recommended to the nearest emergency care center. PharmFest, and it’s affiliates are not responsible for any medical or emergency damages, expenses and/or fees.
9. Registration
Walk-in registrars are welcomed during the day of the event, however, there will be a “same-day” fee associated with registration including registration rate. Rates & fees vary by attendee type. Please arrive thirty (30) minutes prior to the event’s start time in order to fill out registration documentation. Access to the event will be given once payment for same-day registration is received.
Service personnel will not be allowed into the event spaces without work orders, submitted EAU form and official service badges–Exhibitors using contractors must advise them to check with the Registration desk upon their arrival.
By submitting a PharmFest registration form, you agree to share the contact and mailing information with PharmFest for communication, updates and marketing purposes.
Prices/fees are subject to change.
10. Spouses
Non- industry spouses are allowed to attend the educational PharmFest event. Non-industry spouses must be registered as “Other” as an add-on during the time of purchase of a Technician/Buyer or Pharmacist registration and must settle fees at the “Other” rate.
Spouses, family and friends are allowed to attend the PharmFest Community event at no charge.
Please visit www.pharmfest.com for all pricing and fees.
11. Photography and Media
PharmFest may take photographs and/or videos of registrants, exhibit booths, booth personnel, and other items and individuals within the PharmFest venue. Acceptance of these rules provides an authorization for PharmFest to use such photos on its web site, in reports of the meeting and in promotional materials. All media (including photos, videos, quotes, and survey responses) captured at the time of the event will become the property of PharmFest, a Linzer-Dillard LLC Company.